Hours of Operation


Surviving the first 2 minutes of a game
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Forget what you have seen on TV and at the movies.

Do not fire over the top of bunkers.

Know where the enemy is and is not at all times.

Remember when you fire your marker it gives away your position.

Don't keep firing out the same side of your bunker.

Watch your flanks - over 90% of all eliminations come from your flank.

Communicate with your teammates constantly.

Do not stay in one place the whole game.

Know when to retreat.

Stay tucked in close to the bunker - don't let appendages, markers, or hoppers stick out.

Lean out to see what is going on - don't step out like John Wayne.

Take quick looks rather than hanging out trying to see what is going on.

Take ground one bunker at a time.

Move from close bunker to close bunker...no "Big" runs.

When running stay crouched down.

Slide into a bunker whenever possible.

Don't use trees as bunkers unless they are "HUGE."

When in doubt don't call out! - Ask for a paint check when in doubt.

One person to a bunker.

Newbies will do just about anything.  Don't try to bunker them.

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