Located South of Lake Butler on SR 231A Welcome to First Strike Paintball















Hours of Operation

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Speedball - Hyperball!
The newest AJP playing field is nothing short of "awesome."  It is made of corrugated drainage pipe cut in halves.  This field sports a total of 33 bunkers of action packed paintball.  Take your choice of  the bunkers: the four corners of doom, big berth, and the slithering snake.  No matter where you go you can't hide forever!  Come see it for yourself if you dare.

Speedball - Burning Rubber on the Tire Field
The tire field presents new challenges.  It has several "stand up" bunkers and the all powerful "snake" equalizer.  Don't let anyone get into the snake or you will be "bitten."  Occupy the "stand up" bunkers to keep the "snake" empty.  Remember it is team work and communication which counts if you don't want to get "burned" on the tire field.

Speedball - Spooling it!
The spool field is set up for quick and immediate action.  On the break all players are within striking distance of the enemy.  You must get to your bunker quickly or you will find yourself sitting in the dead box.  Accuracy, agility, and speed are important on this field.  Don't forget that strategy, tactics, and "game" are important factors to win.

Woods Play - Hunting for easy Targets
The woods is where it all began long ago in the ever changing paintball world.  It use to be simple playing in the woods.  Just find a thicket and hide in it...wait for your prey and pounce on it.  Well, times have changed and so have the woods.  The woods field now has bunkers where the prey can become the hunter and the hunter is hunted as the prey.  Be careful going into the thicket you may just find you have nowhere to hide and nowhere to go.   Big Trees can provide some level of cover but not for long.  Keep in mind the key to the woods is to move like a river making a new channel.  Be swift and quick to adapt to the terrain. 


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